Neil Young page updates

I've recently added three reviews to the Neil Young page of my website. These reviews pertain to his 1986 album Landing On Water (which is out of print in the U.S. but still available in some countries) and two rare EP's: Eldorado (1989) and The Complex Sessions (1994). The page is located here:

The Neil Young page is one page that I haven't made many changes to since I first created it in 1999. The original purpose of the page was to highlight six albums which were then referred to by Young's fans as "the lost six". The first six albums reviewed on the page were out of print at the time, but four of them were reissued in 2003. The ones which are still unavailable are the 1972 movie soundtrack Journey Through The Past (no loss there) and the 1973 live album Time Fades Away (a definite loss; why hasn't it been reissued?).

One revision I've made to the page is one that I would rather not have. I wrote in '99 that "Young has remained relevant", but that statement is now debatable. Many of the albums that Young has released over the past decade are below the standards of his earlier body of work. In some cases -- for example, Greendale (2003) and Living With War (2006) -- it seemed that Young was struggling to remain relevant. Regardless of recent disappointments, Neil Young will always be regarded as one of rock's essential artists.
