Words of wisdom posted on Usenet
While reading a thread on the Usenet newsgroup alt.music.inxs about the show Rock Star: INXS , I came across this well-stated post by a user named zaryzary2003. It was in response to someone who claimed that no great albums have been made since 1972: "I think that most people say that the "great" era of music occurred at some point between the ages of 17 and 25. So if you were born around 1950, then the greatest music was late 60s. If you were born in 1940, then it was late 50s -early 60s early rock and roll stuff. People born in 195-60 will probably say it was either Disco/ Led Zeppelin/ other 70s rock depending on what they were doing. People who were born in 1985 will probably look back and say that today's music is the pinnacle. and people born today will someday back fondly at the greatest hits of the year 2025. It's all subjective, which is probably why people can't agree on it, and also why they argue so vehemently about it. No no no! they say. The m...